
5 Must Have Apps For Rooted Android Devices

Android is one of the most popular mobile operating system and it’s no doubt very amazing. To get the very best out of your android device, you root it; and by reading this post i assume you already have. If not, i recommend you read “How to root your Android device”, the brief guide will easily get you through it.

Once your android device is rooted, you’ll have control over system files, boot setting and more, you also get to run various powerful apps that won’t work perfectly on un-rooted devices. A lot of rooted android device users still doesn’t realize the full benefits of rooting and the cool apps they can enjoy, if you happen to fall within that category, this post is totally meant for you.

I’ve put together the 5 must have apps for rooted android devices and i’m certain you’ll love them. Let’s get to know them.

System App Remover

There are apps deemed unnecessary in your device, mostly built-in apps and all they do is fill up your storage space. With system app remover you can remove any app from your android device. It also provides you the option to uninstall an app or move it to SD card/phone memory. You can as well install, scan, search and manage APK files via the APK manager.

Root Explorer

Also known as the ultimate file manager for rooted android devices, root explorer gives you access to the entire file system of your android smartphone or tablet. It’s actually one of the first app to install once you’ve rooted your device, you can easily uninstall unnecessary apps and manage your system file in general.


The work of Greenify is to save your battery, ensure it last longer and aid your android device run smoothly. To do this, it identifies and hibernates misbehaving or battery consuming apps when you are not using them; to stop them from slowing down your device or consuming the battery unnecessarily.


The AFWall+ (Android Firewall +) is a front-end application for the powerful iptables Linux firewall. With this application you can restrict which apps are permitted to access your data connection, be it 2G/3G/4G or WiFi. You can as well control traffic within LAN or while connected through VPN.


The SuperSU is a must have app for all rooted android devices. Rooting has its pros as well as cons, and one of the major disadvantages is the possibility of malicious apps gaining administrative level access to your device. That’s where SuperSU comes into play, it acts as the permission giver; each time an app tries to get root level access it gives you the option to allow or decline it.

These are the 5 must have apps for all rooted android devices. Of course there are still tons of cool apps for rooted android smartphones and tablets, but the above are the basic and should go first before others.

Over To You

Do you think there’s an app that deserves to be in the list? Let’s hear from you in comment below.

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