
Why I Gave Up Apple iPhone For Android: A True Confession

I’ve always known this friend of mine as a committed iPhone user, someone who brags about her lovely iOS and criticized Android. Just recently as i thought she’ll upgrade to the new iPhone 6, i saw her with the HTC One which we all know is a great Android Smartphone. I was like Whaao! Is that your new phone? I was expecting an iPhone 6.

She made it clear to me that it wasn’t as a result of the price although the new iPhone devices are quite expensive. I welcomed her to the club of Android users (if you’ve been following my posts you’d have noticed am an Android addict). To cut the long story short, the well known android criticizer made a confession and stated out reasons why she gave up the Apple iPhone for Android, which i was able to break down into 5 points.

By the end of this post, i’m certain i’ll get a reasonable number of iPhone users to join the Android kingdom. Let’s get to know her reasons.

Why I Gave Up Apple iPhone For Android

Hello iPhone users, are you ready to be convinced? Here’s a confession from someone who used to be a true worshiper of the iOS.

It’s Super expensive

Of course it’s expensive, that’s why Apple is the world most valuable company. The price of the latest iPhone 6 is off the list, talk about the iPad and MacBook. Apple products are generally expensive. There’s no doubt their smartphone are of high quality, but i bet there are tons of Android devices which can meet-up with that or even offer more quality without taking so much from you.

Only One Manufacturer

That’s the major reason why Apple iPhones are very expensive; they are only manufactured by Apple. Users don’t have a choice, it’s Apple or you leave it. Android devices on the other hand are manufactured by many, we have Samsung, Sony, HTC and even Nokia has joined the game. Not only does this give Android users a lot of options to choose from, but with the competition among these brands you are likely to see more quality Android phones at a very affordable price.

Apple users, i know you all got excited with the introduction of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, but when do you think they will be updated? It’s probably going to take a whole lot of time before Apple releases another device, that lives you stock with the features you’ve been provided with.

Unlike Android, new devices are being manufactured by various brands and this implies that new features are added from time to time, also providing you with a lot of design to choose from.

Expandable Storage

You might already know that Apple iPhones doesn’t feature a microSD card slot, you have to go with the internal memory you model provides you with and the higher the memory, the higher the price. So, if you can’t afford one with enough storage capacity you’ve got no other option than to minimize the amount of files you store.

Moving over to Android, not all Android smartphones memory can be expanded, but a large number of them can. Android users won’t have to worry about any additional payment for higher storage and won’t have to transfer files from their old smartphone to the new one once it supports microSD, just removed it and slot into the other. As i mentioned above, Android has many manufacturers and that leads to competition, hereby providing quality (high storage) smartphones at an affordable price.

Screen Size

Apple just recently got the screen wider on their latest devices, but before that we only had the 4 inched iPhone 5S. Even with the new iPhone models, Android smartphones still provides users with more screen options to choose from.

If you love curved screen smartphones, you won’t get that on an iPhone, would you? But the LG and Samsung provides such feature and these two runs on the Android OS.

Display Quality

Manufacturers such as Sony, Samsung, and LG build their own panels and their screens are awesome. When you talk about a quality display, it’s Android all the way.

These were the 5 points my friend made, the very reasons that killed her interest on Apple iPhones.

Over To You

Are the above reasons enough for someone to dump Apple iPhone for Android? Let’s know you opinion on this. iPhone users, does this convince you? Android users, how right am i. let’s get the discussion going in comment below.